Grant Elementary School
In Partnership with the Los Angeles Unified School District & the California Conservation Corps, Dake Landscape is designing a green schoolyard at Grant Elementary School in Hollywood, CA. Features will include the removal of 22,000 square feet of asphalt, dozens of new shade trees, habitat planting, nature play opportunities, and outdoor classroom spaces. Additionally, the California Conservation Corp will hire local youth to construct the project. Grant Elementary School Greening Project is funded through California’s Urban Greening grant program.
Trees and shrubs will help store carbon, reducing energy use and intercept stormwater runoff. Dake Landscape designed a rugged landscape island rich with large wood and stone features as a cool place where nature’s functions are visible. New tree plantings are located to shade air-conditioned buildings.
Location: Hollywood, California
Client: Los Angeles Unified School District, California Conservation Corps
Completion Date: --
Type: Public School
Project Collaborators: LDE Consulting Inc.