Pacoima Stormwater Capture and Street Tree Improvement
The Van Nuys Blvd Green Street Project rests upon a strong community outreach program that drew on residents’ ideas on how to address persistent flooding and their interest in helping with maintenance. Working with residents we designed street tree plantings, bioswales and drywells that capture and infiltrate on average 95 acre-feet of stormwater each year. The project removes pollutants such as trash, bacteria, metals, and nutrients from the LA River watershed. A $3.36 million grant from Coastal Conservancy and the LADWP supported the project. The project team included Pacoima Beautiful and Geosyntec Engineers and it was delivered using a design-build contract.
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Client: City of Los Angeles, Bureau of Sanitation
Completion Date: 2023
Type: Public Work
Project Collaborators: Department of Water and Power
Pacoima Stormwater Bioretention capture installation